Inuyashiki (いぬやしき) is a 2018 Japanese superhero film based on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Hiroya Oku. The film premiered on April 20, 2018, and it is the first of the planned "Miracle Man" Trilogy. Inuyashiki is directed by Shinsuke Sato and stars Noritake Kinashi, Takeru Satoh, Fumi Nikaidō and Kanata Hongō. It was first announced in December 2016.
Ichirō Inuyashiki finds himself unable to protect his family, and facing various problems in his home and work life. He has no friends, and is treated poorly by his wife and family. He meets a small dog on the street, which unexpectedly leads him to a park where he is accidentally killed by a crash-landing alien force. To apologize for accidentally killing him, the alien force reconstructs him, changing his body into a highly sophisticated machine that gives him superhero-like powers, with offensive powers and the ability to fly. He also discovers he has the power to heal illnesses which he uses to heal some people, including some who are terminally ill.
However, at the same time, a teenage school boy named Hiro Shishigami also inherited the powers due to being in the impact zone, and was reconstructed as well with similar powers to Ichirō. He initially kills an innocent family, and attempts to kill Ichirō as well, but only manages to temporarily incapacitate him. Ichirō meets his young friend, Andō Naoyuki who is aware of Hiro's powers and has seen them work. He helps Ichirō understand his powers, and helps him to hone them. Even so, Ichirō is still very amateurish with his abilities.
Hiro uses his abilities to heal his mother who had been diagnosed with cancer. However as they walk home they are ambushed by police who have come to arrest him. He manages to escape and while doing so he kills a number of them. As a result of this, Hiro is branded a fugitive and goes into hiding. He is found by Shion Watanabe who offers him refuge with her grandmother, he accepts and decides to stay with them. While staying with them, he learns that somehow the media had gotten hold of his home address and information. He learns that his mother had committed suicide due to all the stress from the media and people hounding her.
As a result, Hiro hacks into the news email accounts and finds an email that he traces back to a 2channel forum member: Susumu Iwata. Hiro finds that the 2chan members had written insulting comments about him and his mother mocking her for her death. Hiro then hacks into Susumu Iwata’s computer and kills him by shooting him through his computer screen. Hiro then kills the rest of the 2chan forum members by shooting them through their phone screens as well.
Afterwards, Hiro reunites with Shion who concerned asks what is going on, he reveals his robotic body to her and flies with her in the sky. But instead of being afraid, Shion begs Hiro to stay with her, because she loves him. Touched by this he decides to stop killing altogether.
However, it doesn’t take long for the police to track Hiro down. They send in a swat team that murder Shion and her grandmother, angered by this Hiro kills the entire swat team and files off. Hiro mad with rage hijacks the screens in the city and reveals that the police murdered two innocent people to get to him. He then declares that he will kill the entire 120 million population of Japan in revenge.
He then starts randomly killing people in Japan through their phone screens and display screens, until Ichirō and Andō intervene by broadcasting a message telling the citizens to throw away their phones. However Hiro hears this and launches mini rockets that start to strike random buildings, but this helps Inuyashiki locate him. They battle by flying through the skies while punching and shooting each other. Unbeknownst to Inuyashiki, one of the rockets hit a building that his daughter Mari is in. He hears her voice through telepathy and after taking down Hiro he finds and heals her.
However, Hiro reappears and beats Inuyashiki and takes Mari hostage and threatens to drop her through a window. However Inuyashiki musters up all his strength and blasts through Hiro seriously injuring him and manages to save Mari. Afterwards it is shown that on the news Hiro Shishigami has been presumed dead.
However, Hiro reappears at Andō's house, waiting in his room. Andō admits that he is afraid of Hiro, but also that he is still his friend and is happy he is still alive. Embarrassed by his emotional display, Andō turns away to show Hiro a game on his computer, before Hiro silently flies off from the room's balcony.
- Noritake Kinashi as Ichirō Inuyashiki (犬屋敷 壱郎 Inuyashiki Ichirō)
- Takeru Satoh as Hiro Shishigami (獅子神 皓 Shishigami Hiro)
- Kanata Hongō as Naoyuki Andō (安堂 直行 Andō Naoyuki)
- Ayaka Miyoshi as Mari Inuyashiki (犬屋敷 麻理 Inuyashiki Mari)
- Fumi Nikaidō as Shion Watanabe (渡辺 しおん Watanabe Shion)
- Yuki Saitō as Yuko Shishigami
Anime/Manga to Live Action Differences[]
- In the film, Hiro does not kill the bullies instead he just scares them.
- In the film, Although Hiro’s father makes an appearance, he does not play much of role in this film.
- In the film, when Susumu Iwata is killed he is shot 3 times around his upper body before being shot in the head. Unlike the anime and manga where he was shot once in the leg and then tortured by being shot at before being shot one more time in the head.
- In the film, Hiro does not kill any news reporters after his mom had committed suicide.
- In the film, Shion Watanabe and her grandmother are killed by the police, rather then being revived by Hiro.
- In the film, Hiro kills all of the SWAT officers after they kill Shion Watanabe and her grandmother.
- In the film, Hiro does not go to the police station and massacre them, instead he goes on to kill the citizens of Japan.
- In the film, when Hiro talks to the citizens he does not mention how many people he is going to kill.
- In the film, when Hiro talks to the citizens he mentions his motive for killing them was because the police had killed two innocent people to get to him.
- In the film, Hiro does not hijack any airplanes, instead he launches miniature missiles that strike random buildings including the one Mari is in.
- In the film, Mari does not call her father, instead Inuyashiki hears her calling for help via telepathy.
- In the film, Hiro is present after Inuyashiki saves Mari. He also takes her hostage and attempts to kill her by throwing her out of a broken window.
- In the film, both Hiro and Inuyashiki survive, although Hiro loses his right arm and has a large hole on his right side.
- In the film, Mari is the only one who knows about her father’s abilities and keeps it secret from the rest of their family.
- In the film, there is no meteor on course to strike earth, as a result there was no need for Inuyashiki and Hiro to use their self destruct function.
- Kanata Hongo was the only cast member who reprised his role as Naoyuki Andō from the anime to the live action film.